Eleanor and Park.
As I wrap up reading Eleanor and Park, I feel a little sad because the story was awesome. The story was fun while it lasted, and I have already recommended it to a few peers. Eleanor and Park was not the typical love story you read about, but yet it was very relatable to many age groups. It was very upsetting to me when Eleanor's gym teacher had no sympathy for her nor her situation. You would think to see a student's clothing jammed in a toilet would be a serious matter, and the teacher would try and help Eleanor. Being a future teacher made my heart reach out to Eleanor, and made me think about how I would have handled the situation. If I were in the gym teacher's situation, I would have looked in the lost and found to give Eleanor another outfit or would have given Eleanor the clothing I had on. Another thing in this book that upset me was when Richie asked Eleanor what she had brought with her money. From my understanding, I thought Eleanor brought the family Christmas dinner, that Richie hated so much. Richie sat in the car while the whole family went inside the store, knowing Eleanor's mom didn't have any money, and he just gave Eleanor the fifty dollars. I did like how Eleanor was sharp on her toes when Richie asked her and she responded a neckless. Now Eleanor would be able to wear the neckless whenever she pleased, and no longer had to hid it since her family thought Eleanor brought it with her Christmas money. I was nice Eleanor and Park finally got the moment they both have been waiting for and got some alone time. I liked how Parks mom allowed Park to stay home alone, and also took him to get his drivers test. Overall Eleanor and Park was a great book, and I could picture myself reading this book with a high school class.
I was really upset as well when the teacher did not care to help Eleanor! You like to think that all people have good, caring hearts but it sucks to realize that is not the case!